Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 5, 2011

Bead Embroidery for fashion

DIY: Jewel Jacket

Maybe you remember me buying this bag of broken jewellery from
the antique shop a few months ago. Well, here's what I did with it!!!


To DIY this you'll need:

- a jacket (mine is secondhand)
- various pieces of jewellery
- thread & needle
- superglue/ contact glue
- metal-cutting pliers (optional)
- patience!

When you're attaching the jewels fold the thread so you have 2 pieces of string at
once (like in the photo). This will save you time and the jewels will be attached stronger.

When you're doing larger items like the above bird chain (or many smaller items at
once) you don't have to cut and knot the string after every 5 stitches. You can
instead just cross it over on the backside and start stitching on the next item 5 cm
above, and the next... This has a time (and patience) saving advantage but it also
means that in case the string breaks, all the things that belong to it will fall off which
is why I also use superglue to attach most of the items just to be safe. :)

In some cases you don't even need thread and needle. These jewels above
are all earrings of which I cut off the metal stud with pliers and then attached
them to the fabric with a drop of superstrong contact glue.

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