Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 9, 2011

Sewing patterns:Heart Felt Pillow tutorial

I had some felt that I needed to find a purpose for from my Studio 5 appearance. So I decided to make a pillow using the same technique with the folded circles. (Sorry about the bad picture, it is the best I could do…we need some sunshine around these parts).

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 9, 2011

Unique crafts: IY - "Perler Beads"? $0 Guarantee! with straws

up.  Make your own faux Perler Beads!  Zero cost guarantee but ... 100% quality and satisfatory...that's will depends how 'open minded' you are to my 'new idea'!

A sample of my 'creation' suppose to spell " i  u" but it sort of out of shape at the end...Well, I'm not a perfectionist anyway.  Just want to share with you all the 'idea',  the 'result' will be perfect if I have more patience...

Recycling paper: How to Make Book Page Medallions / Rosettes

Book Page Medallion Craft

This craft is part of the 13 Days of Halloween project. Download number templates for the project, as well as the bug template for Day 3, in the tips and supplies post. Links to all of the crafts from this project can be found in the main 13 Days of Halloween post.
Medallions, rosettes, accordion fold circles … whatever you call them, they’re a neat detail that you can use as everything from ornaments to gift embellishments. I love the look of old book pages in this craft, but you can use any paper that you’d like. I would recommend a text weight paper, as opposed to cardstock, since it’s easier to bend and fold.
 Recycling paper:  How to Make Book Page Medallions / Rosettes

Book Page Medallions

Supplied Needed
a book page or pages
a ruler
a pencil
a hot glue gun
a 1″ circle or square of cardstock
glue dots or double-sided tape

1. Cut a 1″ wide by 11 1/2″ to 12″ long strip from the book page. You may have to use multiple strips, which you can connect together using glue dots or double-sided tape. Lay the strip flat, and using a ruler and pencil, mark the edge of the paper every 1/4″.
2. Fold the paper in an accordion fold, using the pencil marks as your guide. When finished, connect the two loose ends together using glue dots or double-sided tape, forming a circular shape. Add hot glue to a 1″ circle or square of cardstock.
3. Immediately place the piece of cardstock over the center of the back side of the medallion. Hold in place (watch your fngers – that glue is hot!) for 30 seconds or so, until the glue begins to cool and the cardstock is firmly attached.
4. Add the calendar number to the front of the medallion using glue dots or double-sided tape.

Food gifts: how to make kite cookiesa

I have a to-do list and a cannot wait to-do list.  These were on the cannot wait list.  I’ve been dreaming of  cute little kite cookies with cute little tails for a very long time, and finally I got around to trying them out!

Recycling paper for holiday: Awesome Paper Cone Wreath Tutorial

Today I am going to give you a very detailed, step by step tutorial on how to make this wreath.  In fact sorry if it almost feels like paper cone wreath making for dumbies, but I have had a lot of questions about this wreath so I am just trying to cover all my bases.

Flower gifts: Dahlia Felt Flowers tutorial

Flower gifts: Dahlia Felt Flowers tutorial
Gorgeous... Yes.
Cheep... Yes.
Easy... of Course!
Want to make one?
Start by cutting 3 sizes of felt squares. I cut 12 of largest, 10 of the next, and 7 of the small.

Trim your squares into petal shapes, leaving one of the large and one of the medium squares for later.
 (I just free handed it because petals aren't all the same- right?)
Cut a circle for your base (I used leftover denim, but you could use more felt or whatever.)

Fold the sides of a petal in toward the center secure to the circle with a couple stitches.

Continue all the way around keeping your petals nice and close together. (I used 11 of them.)

Start your next row by stitching the medium petals in closer to the center. Continue all the way around.
 (I used 9 petals.)

Add your smallest petals on the same way. (I had 7 around.)

Take you unused large and medium square and trim them down to circles. Then cut slits all the way around.

Stack them up (med. on large)

Stitch in the center or your flower. When you pull the stitch tight the center will pull down and all the little 'fringe' will stand up.

Wha-la! a Beautiful Felt Flower!!!
(or two or three...)

Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 9, 2011

Embroidered pictures for home decor: spring button flowers tutoriral


Embroidered pictures for home decor: spring button flowers tutoriral


Today we are turning buttons into flowers and making a cute handmade display-piece! Enjoy :)
You will Need:
  • Buttons that feel "Flowery"
  • Neutral Fabric (mine was a fine linen colored cotton)
  • Embroidery Thread (I used a few greens for the stems & yellow for the flower centers)
  • Small Needle
  • Scissors
  • Pencil or Invisible Marker
  • An embroidery hoop to be used as a frame
Step 1: Space out your buttons on the fabric and mark a little pencil dot where you want each one. Like the example above, make sure to leave room for the stem below each button.
Step 2: Sew on the buttons all at once with one color of thread. Visit this post for tips on how to start and end your stitching.
Step 3: Stitch a straight dashed line below each button, starting just under the button and ending at an 'invisible horizontal line'.
Step 4: Frame your fabric in an ornamental embroidery hoop, hide or trim the fabric overhang in behind (I taped mine on the back).
Step 5: Hang your new artwork :)
I hung mine above my desk at the Studio :) This project would be fun as a button swap with friends (you could even do it on a teatowel)! Try it :)
Interested in another Button Craft? Check out this Cork Frame Project :)